Rebecca Brewer has been an integral member of Team Brevity for almost 3 years and is a familiar name to many. Brevity clients are often in communication with her, and she’s in daily meetings with many of the Brevity team too - so it can be a surprise to learn that she’s based in Melbourne!  

Starting at Brevity in a Business Development Coordinator role, Rebecca’s skills have quickly enabled her to grow her role and contribute to the team in a range of ways. Now responsible for ‘inbound sales’ her daily work encompasses the preparation of client briefs as well as contributing to project coordination. Working alongside team members Gye Simkin and Georgia Periam, Rebecca helps provide a seamless journey for customers from their first point of contact through to project delivery. 


A Perfect Fit

The role is a dream job for Rebecca, fulfilling both her love of helping and assisting others, and working in her favourite industry. From the age of five, Rebecca was fascinated with buildings and becoming an architect seemed a natural fit. Rebecca enrolled in a 2 year drafting course as a stepping stone to doing architecture, and promptly fell in love with construction.  She still loved the drawing side of things, but also enjoyed putting all the pieces together and making a project work. Her calling to become an architect took a slight detour. Joining the construction industry with her drafting expertise, Rebecca was soon in the midst of some significant construction projects.

Onsite Experience Makes all the Difference

In her first role, Rebecca was lucky to touch on a large number of projects and to be involved in onsite meetings with builders, contractors and project managers. Rebecca believes that this practical experience was invaluable. “It made me realise how I could improve my documentation for the people who were using it. If I got the detailing correct, the meaning of the document is much clearer” explains Rebecca. “Without that early feedback, I think I could have been repeating my mistakes for a long time.”

Learning from the Best

In a subsequent role, Rebecca was trained in BIM. “It can be a difficult transition to move from 2D to 3D, but I was lucky to be taught by one of Australia’s BIM experts at that time.” Rebecca believes that because it’s a different way of thinking and working, it is an investment in time to make the transition. She describes having to be mindful in your planning and decisions. However, when the libraries are set up and utilised well, the gains are worth it – as Rebecca has found recently, using BIM to communicate designs for a personal project on her own home. She said the builder was surprised to get such detailed plans but was also delighted!


Rebecca has brought her experience working with builders, architects, clients, project managers, councils and authorities to her role at Brevity. Through her in-depth construction knowledge, ability to create detailed and accurate briefs, and warm and personable approach, it’s no surprise that Rebecca is highly regarded and respected by everyone she works with.

Work Life Balance is Key

Brevity’s flexible working approach is one of the key reasons Rebecca is able to do her job so well. With the flexible working hours, she is able to take and collect her daughter from school, allowing her to do her work in the hours that best suit her.  “It’s so nice that Brevity recognises that we have lives outside work, and that we each have different challenges to manage. The flexibility that Brevity provides means I can do an even better job for my clients – giving them my full attention in the hours that I have available”.


Brevity COO, Irina Cherkasova, says the organisation is a better place for having Rebecca on the team. “Rebecca is both talented and hardworking. Not only does she do her own job to the highest of standards, she is always there to help and assist clients and the rest of the team, making everything work more smoothly. We are lucky to have her.”


If you have a task that requires Brevity’s assistance, reach out today. Rebecca or one of our team members would be delighted to offer you a quote, discuss next steps, and ensure you receive an exceptional client experience!